Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

Daily Weather Observations - February 2011

February 2011 Weather Review

It was mild, dull and dry February in Royston.

After the coldest December since 1890, and a marginally colder than average January, the month of February was actually very mild. It was the mildest February since 2002, and the first milder than average Winter month since February 2008, thus breaking a consecutive run of 8 Winter months with below average temperatures.

The mean daily maximum temperature in February was 9.2°C, which is 1.8°C above the 30 Year (1981/2010) average. The mean night minimum temperature in the month was 2.5°C above average at 4.5°C.

The highest temperature recorded in February was 14.5°C on 25th; this value has been exceeded in February in only 3 years (1990, 1998, and 2004) since records began in 1972. The lowest temperature recorded in the month was –2.9°C on 1st, whilst the lowest grass minimum temperature of –5.1°C was also recorded on this date. Only 1 air frost and 5 ground frosts were recorded in February. Not unexpectedly air frost duration was only 6.8 hours.

The lowest daily maximum temperature was 3.7°C on 28th, whilst the highest night minimum temperature in the month was 11.0°C on 5th.

The mean earth temperature at 30 cms depth as observed at 0900 GMT daily was 5.9°C, peaking at 7.5°C on 26th, and falling to its lowest value of 3.1°C on 1st.

February commenced on a dry note and it was not until 10th that the first "rain day" (0.2 millimetres or more) occurred. This date turned out to be the wettest day of the month although rainfall was a modest 5.1 millimetres only.

Total rainfall in February was 18% below the 30 Year (1981/2010) average at 31.5 millimetres, making it the driest February since 2008. The number of "rain days" was 14, with rainfall exceeding 1.0 millimetre on 9 of these days.

An unusual feature of the month was the absence of any snowfall. This has happened in February in only 5 other years (1975, 1980, 1997, 1998 and 2008) since 1972.

Sunshine was at a premium in February particularly in the second half of the month. For example, in the 7 day period from 17th to 23rd inclusive absolutely no sunshine was recorded.

Total sunshine in the month was 55.6 hours, which is 77% of the 30 Year (1971/2000) average. The sunniest day of the month was 8th with 8.6 hours sunshine. As in January 12 days in the month were completely sunless. It was the sunniest February since 2009 only.

The first week of February was very windy and the highest wind gust speed (51 mph) of the month occurred in this period on 4th. On this date the highest daily (00/00 GMT) mean wind speed (20.8 mph) of the month also occurred. In contrast the lowest daily (00/00 GMT) mean wind speed was 2.4 mph on 17th. The mean wind speed over the whole month was 8.1 mph.

Southerly winds were in the ascendancy in February as the following analysis of wind directions observed at 0900 GMT daily shows: NORTH 1 day, NE 1, E 2, SE 2, S 11, SW 6, W 4, NW 1 and CALM 0.

The mean MSL air pressure in February was 1013.0 mB, which is 3 mB below the 30 Year (1981/2010) average. The highest and lowest air pressure values recorded in the month were 1034.3 mB on 1st and 987.7 mB on 15th respectively.

The mean relative humidity in the month was 89.0%. The highest daily (00/00 GMT) mean relative humidity in February was 96.4% on 20th, whilst the lowest daily mean was 77.3% on 7th. The absolute lowest relative humidity reading in February was 61% at 1455 GMT on 8th.

Fog (visibility < 1000 metres at the 0900 GMT observation hour) occurred on 2 days (17th and 20th) in February.

WINTER (December/February) 2010/11:

It was the 3rd consecutive colder than average Winter, and the driest Winter since 2007/8. The mean daily maximum temperature in Winter was 6.0°C, which is 1.1°C below the 30 Year (1981/2010) average. The mean night minimum temperature in Winter was 1.7°C, which is 0.8°C below average. Total rainfall in Winter was 93% of the 1981/2010 average at 129.5 millimetres. It was a dull Winter with total sunshine of 135.8 hours being only 77% of the 1971/2000 average.

Richard Barker

Richard Barker

Met. Observer, Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

5th March 2011

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