Royston (Iceni) Weather Station

Daily Weather Observations - April 2005

(All Times GMT)

Date Max. Temp. (°C) 09/09h Min. Temp. (°C) 09/09h Grass Min. Temp. (°C) 21/09h Earth (30cms) Temp. (°C) 09h Sun (Hours) 00/00h R'fall (MM) 09/09h Wind Dir'n 09h Mean Wind Speed (MPH) 00/00h Max. Gust Speed (MPH) 00/00h Cloud Cover (Oktas) 09h Mean MSL Air Pressure (mB) 00/00h Mean Rel. Humd. (%) 00/00h Mean Temp. (°C) 00/00h Fog (vis. <1000m @ 09h) Fog (vis. <200m @ 09h) Snow or Rain and Snow 00/00h Snow Lying @ 09h (>50% cover) Hail 00/00h Thunder 00/00h Date
1 15.1 7.0 5.0 9.7 1.8 0.0 S 0.7 16 8 1022.8 84.6 10.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 17.4 8.2 7.0 10.4 4.3 0.0 CALM 0.2 18 7 1018.8 67.4 11.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
3 19.6 7.6 5.8 10.7 7.3 0.4 S 4.1 32 6 1017.0 69.9 12.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
4 11.1 8.8 6.5 10.9 0.1 0.9 SW 1.8 28 8 1019.0 87.4 8.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
5 12.1 4.0 1.7 10.2 3.8 0.6 SW 5.1 28 7 1022.2 74.9 7.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
6 13.6 6.1 4.5 10.1 5.6 1.9 SW 10.4 44 8 1007.5 77.3 9.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
7 13.2 4.4 2.9 9.8 5.2 2.4 SW 7.1 39 6 997.6 77.6 7.6 0 0 0 0 1 1 7
8 7.7 2.6 1.4 9.9 0.8 0.3 N 4.9 37 8 1010.7 79.3 3.0 0 0 1 0 1 0 8
9 10.8 -2.1 -5.0 8.6 5.3 TR NW 5.0 30 1 1022.6 71.6 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
10 16.5 5.6 3.7 8.9 7.3 0.0 NW 3.6 23 5 1025.0 73.4 10.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
11 15.7 6.5 1.5 9.9 6.8 0.0 W 1.3 16 0 1027.9 70.2 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
12 13.9 6.9 4.9 10.1 3.3 1.5 SW 2.4 18 7 1020.3 85.6 10.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
13 12.5 7.1 5.2 10.3 1.7 0.1 SW 1.4 14 8 1006.4 81.0 8.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
14 12.1 5.2 2.0 10.4 3.1 9.7 SW 1.3 18 8 1000.3 84.4 7.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 14
15 9.3 4.4 1.6 10.0 0.0 4.5 NW 0.1 12 8 1004.1 93.9 5.8 1 0 0 0 0 0 15
16 10.2 1.0 -0.1 9.5 2.3 0.0 W 0.4 12 7 1008.6 82.2 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
17 15.7 1.9 -2.7 9.5 10.5 4.9 SW 1.5 23 0 1002.0 73.0 8.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
18 14.5 7.1 6.6 10.5 7.1 0.0 SW 4.4 28 6 995.4 77.3 10.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
19 13.2 3.1 -0.2 10.5 4.2 TR E 0.4 16 7 1004.7 75.1 7.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
20 10.7 3.6 0.2 10.4 0.2 0.0 NW 0.1 14 5 1012.9 88.1 7.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
21 15.9 3.5 1.3 10.5 10.3 0.0 CALM 0.2 14 4 1019.1 69.8 8.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
22 16.5 2.4 -1.5 10.9 12.5 0.0 SE 1.1 23 0 1013.5 67.5 9.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
23 16.3 4.9 2.0 11.1 3.6 0.0 E 0.4 21 5 1009.5 68.4 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
24 17.1 3.8 0.6 11.3 5.6 2.0 N 0.5 18 0 1008.3 77.2 10.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 24
25 17.4 6.8 5.3 11.7 0.7 3.9 N 0.2 14 8 1007.9 90.4 10.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 25
26 13.6 7.0 5.5 12.0 1.3 6.5 S 1.9 25 7 1008.5 90.8 10.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
27 15.9 5.7 4.5 11.7 11.5 0.1 SW 5.3 28 4 1013.1 79.6 10.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
28 15.1 8.8 7.5 12.1 0.9 TR S 5.1 37 8 1014.3 85.4 11.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
29 19.9 8.9 5.9 12.4 12.8 0.0 W 1.4 14 3 1017.2 71.8 14.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
30 21.1 12.5 9.5 13.5 3.6 0.1 SW 2.5 21 8 1012.1 84.4 16.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
Total/Mean 14.5 5.4 3.1 10.6 143.5 39.8 X 2.5 X 5.6 1012.3 78.7 9.3 1 0 0 0 2 3 Total/Mean
*Diff./% +1.6 +1.1     98% 90%                           *Diff./%

Differences from average:

Differences from average shown in red. Reference periods used are as follows: Temperature 30 Years 1973/2002; rainfall 30 Years 1971/2000; sunshine 30 Years 1971/2000.

(*The differences from average quoted during the course of the month relate to the cumulative daily averages up to the date of the last observation, not the averages for the month as a whole)

Additional Data:

Rainfall Duration  32.9 hours

Air Frost Duration  9.7 hours

Graphs and Charts:

Click on the following links to view this month's graphs and charts.....

1. Daily Maximum, Minimum & Grass Minimum Temperatures 

2. Daily Maximum & Minimum Temperatures (with 30 Year Comparative Means) 

3. Daily Earth (30 cms Depth) Temperature @ 0900 GMT 4. Daily Rainfall  5.  Daily Sunshine

6. Daily Maximum Gust & Mean Wind Speed  7. Daily Wind Direction @ 0900 GMT 

8. Daily Mean MSL Air Pressure  9.  Daily Mean Relative Humidity 10. Thermograph 

11.  Barograph  12.   Hygrograph  13.  Anemograph  14. Wind Direction

15. Sunshine Duration  16.  Rainfall Intensity & Duration

April 2005 Weather Review:

......and click on the link below for a text report of the April 2005 weather in Royston

April 2005 Weather Review

April (since 1973) at Royston (Iceni) Weather Station:

Mean daily maximum temperature (30 years 1973/2002) 12.9°C

Mean daily minimum temperature (30 years 1973/2002) 4.3°C

Highest temperature 25.5°C (16th April 2003); lowest temperature -4.1°C (11th April 1978)

Lowest grass minimum temperature -9.4°C (4th April 1996)

Warmest April 1987 (Mean temperature 11.2°C); coldest April 1978 (Mean temperature 6.2°C)

Average April rainfall (30 years 1971/2000) 44.3 mm

Wettest April 1998 (Rainfall 120.7 mm); driest April 1984 (Rainfall 9.0 mm)

Wettest Day 9th April 1998 (Rainfall 32.0 mm);

Highest number of "rain days" (0.2 mm or more) 26 (1998); lowest number of "rain days" 5 (1976)

Highest number of days with thunder 7 (1998)

Highest number of air frosts 8 (1975)

Highest number of ground frosts 15 (1974, 1984)

Highest number of days with snow falling 5 (1975, 1986)

Highest number of days with snow lying (ground with more than 50% snow cover @ 0900 GMT) 2 (1978, 1983)

This picture was taken in the grounds of Hatfield House (36 km SSW of Royston) at 1409 GMT on 2nd April 2005. This rhododendron is one of a number of large specimens in full bloom, accompanied by an array of other tree flowers and blossoms. The colourful scene was completed by a carpet of daffodils, a few of which can be seen in the picture. Hatfield House (part of which is just visible through the trees) is one of the finest Jacobean houses in Great Britain and was built in 1608-12. It was a very mild day for the time of year, the maximum temperature of 17.4°C at Royston being no less than 5.2°C above the 30 Year (1973/2002) average for this day. Sunshine at Royston was 4.3 hours. Thick fog enveloped Royston in the early morning of 21st April 2005, but this had cleared sufficiently by 0845 GMT for the sun to break through and remain shining for the rest of the day, accumulating a total of 10.3 hours in the process. This is the view (at 1425 GMT) from the rear of the memorial to the 91st Bombardment Group of the US 8th Air Force in Priory Gardens, Royston. Despite the drier than average weather of the previous 4 months most of the specimens in the Gardens appear to be flourishing at this time, further displays of flowers being located in the middle distance. The buildings beyond the boundary of the Gardens are on the A10 London/Kings Lynn trunk road which passes through Royston. Travelling fairs periodically visit Royston and set up either in the Town Centre or on Therfield Heath close to the town. This time it is the turn of the Heath near its eastern perimeter to host the fair, this picture having been taken at 1553 GMT on 21st April 2005. Royston Carnival events have similarly used these locations over the years. The tower of the 12th Century St. John the Baptist Church can be identified in the middle distance in the upper right quadrant of the picture, whilst Hyde Hill dominates the background. A cool south-easterly breeze of mean speed 1 knot gusting to 10 knots is drifting across the Heath at this time in a temperature of 14.3°C. The maximum temperature for the day was 15.9°C.

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(This page last updated 12th May 2005 1948 GMT)